Frequently Asked Questions
We know you are curious to know more, so we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions!
Make A Difference is a bold name. Why did you choose it?
Making A Difference may sound intimidating, but our club is not about changing the world. We're set on our efforts to make even the slightest of difference in our members, whether it is inspiring them to be more involved for the causes they believe in or simply having them think about the issue discussed during an event. Change must begin with small steps, and if there are members who want to leap, that's even better!
You know it's rather naive of you?
Yes, we have a lot of passion and hope. Yes, we may not make a difference in the system. But during tertiary education is the time for us to discover. Now is the time to channel our youthful energy and ideas into trying for a solution. Cause if not now, when will we have the energy to do so?
What makes MAD.TU different from other clubs?
We don't champion individual issues, we champion the youth and learning journey.
We don't want to work AGAINST any clubs, we want to work WITH them. Let's all collaborate!
Do you support any movements?
We would like to take the opportunity now to stress that we are not supporting any political organisations, nor do we agree or disagree with the society's systems. MAD.TU is a club focused on solutions, not lingering on fruitless arguments.
You're not going to change my mind.
One of our core values is respect and embracing openness, so we respect diversity in opinions. In fact, diversity is the most important aspects of collaboration and a key component in success.
We are not going to enforce beliefs on our participants. We only want to bring knowledge into our events and let the audience judge for themselves
You don't know how things work.
Although we are founders of the club, we won't claim to know everything. We barely do. We are still in the early stages of learning. We realise that there are tons of others just like us, that's why we are forming MAD.TU, to invite everyone to embark on the learning journey together with us.